1.- Waht is the most common greenhouse gas emmited from human activities?
R= The carbon dioxido
2.- Do you think greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are always bad for humans and the enviroment?
R= Ciertainly they are not as bad because they help to regulate the planet's temperature to 15° degrees but if greenhouse gases continues to rising they causing damage in the atmosphere and the consequences that would cause the increase temperature several problems for humanity.
3.- In wich of the following ways do people increase the concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and why?
a).- Cutting down trees
b).- Driving gasoline-powered automobiles
c).- Burning coat to create electricity
d).- All of the above
R= d) All of the above. Because due to three aspects felling the atmosphere more carbon dioxide consumed equally are also the leading produce of gas and this the climate nature will change is today such as oil, natural gas and coal.
4.- Why greenhouse gases cause global warming and explaint it?
a).- Absorbing and reradiating heat from infrared rays.
b).- Causing the atmosphere to catch fire
c).- Absorbing the water in the atmosphere
d).- Reflecting solar rays
R= a).-Absorb and re-heat of infrared rays,
So the sun's rays are trapped for longer in the atmosphere and this is due to contamination that increases more day by day.
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